Thursday, December 31, 2009


woke up this morning to snow thought it was finished for the year but idk. i gotta work today 3-closing n i kno its gonna be very slow because of new years so that gonna be boring. I was only hired for the holidays but it seems like they dont have that much ppl workin so they may keep but if they dont im ready to look 4 other job. o yea i ordered mi kicks yesterday from vmvinc so i hope they ship fast like everybody says they do, n im still waiting for a suns snapback cap that i order a while back from ebay so that shuld be here either today or tommarow. but when it comes i'l post it up. well thats it

kdsc flo

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Long Week

havent posted in a while but this is my run down of the past two weeks. basicly i juss been workin savin up money for gifts for christmas & tried to get the space jams when the released but no luck so im a juss get em online for the ridiculous prices but i really want em like i wanted my 5s before i got em so i ma juss pay 300 for em ..idk call me crazi but theres no other way

but on a good note i got these babies i like the feel n colorway. im a like wearing these ! ha kdsc flo

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I like I like

I really would like these & pics complimentary from


Monday, December 7, 2009


juss reading some blogs and I came across this pick of Travie Mccoys bedroom. I think this bed is the best bed Ive seen .nice place to put ur kicks n shit. Only problem is if ur the type to do alot of turning in ur sleep this beds not for you lol

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Return of the Qustion(s)

this year alot of retros been coming out. Here's a shoe I didn't really like at first but as the years went on I wish I would of got a pair. Sb it seems like u do that with alot of kicks but I would be looking forward
for these babies lol

Source -

Nike Air Griffey Max

Ooo!! I hope these release I would def cop nice color way stands out but not to much, somthing I would rock alot


Thursday, December 3, 2009

More Space Jam posts!lol

I kno I posted somthing bout the space jam but every time I see new pics of the I get more excited , and can't wait till these realese on Chritmas Eve. Ill probably b the only 1 I know camping out the mall for these with a bun h of other Jordan heads trynna get em before Christmas . Ahhhhh!! I can't wait !!! I juss need a lil bit more to make up this 175 but dat won't b kno problem. Lol

Air Jordan 12 white red colorway

A must get for me.. last time I looked they release on the 19th of December but idk if the date changed it but, Personally I feel that these are way better the the black red nubuck flu game (playoff) look alikes but that's juss me

30 second to Mars

nice song but I like the cover the most 1 of the reasons I posted it
link at the bottom


I'm feeling these right here alot. Somthing I would defiantly purchase. These information callabo always come out I'll nice.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

New room

A while back I took a bunk bed out my room and now it's finally almost done juss need sum wall repair and a mean paint job lol here are the before and after pics .

Monday, November 16, 2009

Wale Attention Deficit Album

I know I know kind of late but this wale on 106 and park promoting his album attention deficit on November 10. I could get it on iTunes but I rather go pick up the album it's self.I also ain't hav no gwop or time with football but I'm gonna pick this up n matter what enjoy

Sunday, November 1, 2009

What's going in G-men?!?!?

Had church this morning then stop'd at Macy's to get sum levi's but they aint have any i like'd in my size so i just got some flanels (idk if im spelling dat rite). watch the giants get they ass wup again for the third time in a row. Idk whats good with our defensive cordinator is doin but i would like steve back, Eli been Whalin too...

Saturday, October 31, 2009


This is cool crazy and unique at the same's Antwuan Dixon Urban Ink Interview enjoy

Thursday, October 29, 2009


My favorite part of the any of he bet awards is the cypher kinda late posting but idc!lol enjoy

Dope Lips !

i luv Teyanna kid-chance..umm i mean Taylor !lol

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Kinda Late but...

The reebok pump 20 anniversary :Colette joints are kinda of mean lol.I juss had to look a lil better than glancing like before lol

huf-nike-sb-canvas blazer mid apparel collection

I think (to me!) these are the best sb blazers that I have seen i a while.two thumbs up