Sunday, January 24, 2010

O yea!! almsot forgot...

these finally came in the mail last week never got to post em so here they are space jam 11

Sunday, January 10, 2010

moving slow

havent been posting.. things been moving slow. Holiday job is over this month so been looking for another place to work plus waiting on sneakers to come in from VMVINC, which are taking a very long time. But if they dont come this week im a have to take action and get refunded cause this is ridiculous.!!. on another note cant find my ipod but thats on some random stuff. and thats all that been going on

stay cool

Friday, January 1, 2010

Cleanup kid

didnt have any thing plan for to day. thats crazy its the first day of the new year & im at the crib doin nothin so i decided to clean my room and get organized so here r the before n after pics . stay cool


these are the snapback caps i ordered from ebay they were by room door when i came in from work plus a fitted that i got last week .enjoy