Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Its Here! and MH fitted

My Fitted came in today . man its nice n definitely gonna keep my head warm this falll/winter shout out to supreme! lol n idk why i look so mad aha and heres a picture of my mighty healthy fitted i recently juss got enjoy n

stay blessed

Sunday, September 19, 2010

unique views

fashion purpose

Thursday, September 16, 2010

supreme woolrich new era

juss ordered mine ..the black one to the left i'l update pics when it comes

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dat NIGAA Wale

mixtape is hard n so is this song ! my nigga wale juss keep bringing that raw real music
nuff said all respected
be blessed n enjoy

Monday, September 13, 2010

My Birthday!!! 9/13/10

today is my birthday !! September 13 circa 91 meaning im 19 today aha... Normally this would be a shitty birthday because i have class at 11-1:50 then work at 2-7:30 then class again at 8 o'clock to 9:30. smh lol its not really that big of a deal to me along as i stay in a good mood n enjoy the day :).. Tomorrow i have off of work so il celebrate it tomarrow with wifey lol but yea that pretty much it be blessed ..n i will try to enjoy my day ;))

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Varsity Jacket!

i played football all my four years. And every year i thought of getting the skool varsity jacket but it would of cost about 300 plus dollars and i wouldn't wear it when i left skool. but i always admired the varsity jacket for style and fashion so i went to the local jacket lettering store to see if i could get my own costume jacket and they said it would come out to exactly 180 dollars so im definitely gonna do it.

heres the same jacket color way that i want and lettering color from "The Hard time of RJ Berger " lol but on my i want to change the P to a K for KarlDavid lol

peep my vision ;)

sb mines gonna have KarlDavid "my first name" in script on the right side

Friday, September 3, 2010

I really like this :)

playing around on my comp with TAMW n got a picture that i really like one of my favorites ;)) aha enjoy


Woke up early this morning for no reason to go and pick up these darlings aha i juss saw them two weeks ago and new i knew i had to get em. When the weather clears up (because its soupose to be a huricane coming around the jersey shore) im a be sporting these. Aw! MAn! there so pretty! lol
enjoy and be blessed

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

New Stussy Cap ;))))))

Went to Urbanoutfitters today after brookdale to get an i.d. replaced from the theives that stole it !!!