Wednesday, December 29, 2010


i been at my girlfriends house for three days now n it been great lol Spending time in her home , while the streets aren't even blowed yet. Just been in the house plain xbox n Wii, and on the computer wasting time .Ive also missed two days of work and i have to go in to day at 3 but im not sure if i can make it. with the streets not being plowed and all .... well i figure it out.

stay blessed

Friday, December 24, 2010

Thursday, December 23, 2010


posted this before but it didn't work so here it is again

other Definite purchases

theres gonna be other purchases thru the year but these are the one that i HAVE to get !

Air Jordan cement III 2011 release confirmed

Although I got my pair from the cdp package in 2008 vie been rocking them a lot ,(favorite shoes) there so beautiful n comfy at the same time. im definitely getting a pair when they re release ! 2011 gonna be a sexy shoe year lol

stay blessed

Sunday, December 19, 2010

air jordan cool grey 11 2010

I promised picture of the kicks and here they are .. im happy of the quality and texture of the shoe . its build kind like the space jams but i think a lil better but thats my opinion.. the bottoms are so icy but that definitely gonna change because im no collector i rocks mine lol
and i personally think when the yellowing comes it gives it a ill look . last post of the day aha

stay blessed

Digg is LIke

PLEASE DO NOT SLEEP ON DIGGY !!!! this kid is nice no bs ! i been listen for a lil bit n he's been delivering fire!. on top of that he got the fashion thing on point to..
i see great things for him in the future . He's gonna take over the music and fashion world at the same time in a sec so keep ya eye on this kid please!!!

signing out stay blessed

I think the chains are pretty dope but i really posted this because of Teyana .. She so amazing to me lol idk i let you see for yourself but yea if they had any other characters the chains would be a lil cooler

but enjoy

Saturday, December 18, 2010

new pick up first video post

first pick up video post it kinda corny to do but i did it anyways so here enjoy
stay blessed

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

cool greys

hey i just been up to the usual . the same old things school, work, wifey . but here are these cool greys that will be dropping sometime next week but i put my bread down for em so im a have em some time this week or next il upload photos when they arrive.

enjoy and stay blessed